After a short session with one of my LE friends during which I was ranting about the latest plea deal here in St. Lawrence county , I decided I needed to vent a little more.
It seems that this individual found himself a little short of funds one evening so in his infinite wisdom he decides, or perhaps someone dumber that he decided for him, that it would make sense to take his unlicensed handgun to the local corner gas n'go, (that's not really the name of the Shoppe, but you know), and use said handgun in an effort to secure a short term, non repayable loan. And he was successful, at least until his friends and probably some non-friends gave him up. He did get a sweet deal tho, 6 months in the county jail, yep, SIX MONTHS FOR ARMED ROBBERY in The Fancy New But Too Small County Lockup with bigger color TV's followed by 5 long arduous years on know about our probation department...if you don't show up after 6 months they might come looking for you...then you might get reprimanded and have to do a long 30 days or something which has no real benefit except to interrupt your drug dealing...
BTW, the new barrel in my 45 shoots good...and I did get the old Marlin out the other day for a few rounds...that gun is older that my mother...Hi Helen...
Yes dear readers this will be the way this blog is going..I will bitch, complain, and otherwise piss some of the people off...even SWMBO...and I apologize to my friends in LE and at Probation, and the other agencies throughout the county, state or nation; I'll try to include everyone in due time...
6 months for armed robbery....seems fair. we have a legal system, not a justice system. what do you think he would have got if he "killed" or the more appropriate legal term would be "manslaughter'ed" someone? probably 3 years with 7 probation. what would have happened if you and i were sitting on a park bench, minding our business, smoking pot? i'd imagine 10 years minimum and a ride in the cruiser to look for the "dealer". the US is an embarrassment to me. having said that last statement, i don't want anyone to think your oldest son is some pinkie-commie, socialist loving anti-american. i love the RWB and bleed red like everyone else. i served my country HONORABLY. but voting and elected officials have gotten nothing accomplished in my almost 40 years on this planet. other than a shit-load of debt and worse education rates than countries who most people can't even find on a map. but what are you going to do? nothing. because most american's are apathetic. how many people remember what happened 9/11/01? how many care? if americans think they're safe, they're wrong. fundamentalist muslims want to kill every American they see, meet, hear about or come into contact with. if Americans think jihadists are in this country bc it's great, their not. they're here to end us. the sooner American's pull their collective heads out of their asses, the better off we'll be....