and here is my comment...number 59 BTW...

Ya know...sometimes I just get exasperated by the smallness of the minds of some of the elitists that inhabit the North Country,most of whom are NOT NATIVES, more specifically the "pseudo-hippies and pseudo intellectuals, and the poor starving college cuties in their Lexus or Mercedes or Escalade, or the NYC corner entrpreneur(that's dope peddlers for those of you who stopped learning in school at age 10) who is/are here because he/she may know how to dribble a basketball, or run a football or is extra needy because he/she can't speak english or his/her school was a danger zone and it was impossible to learn...or his/her home country can't afford to feed him, but he sure as hell can't spell either" but are well qualified to tell the rest of us how we SHOULD be living, and doing things yada, yada, yada...Ooops that's another rant...back to this one...Would you rather have pictures of the local slaughter house on NC least the meat is spiced up with all the miracle chemicals that science can provide, and it's cleaner...or....maybe you're a veggie...too'a a bear...he's dead...if he felt any pain at the time the arrow hit him, I'm quite sure it was over fairly quickly. If you can't stand the thought of your little girl, or little boy seeing this mayhem...then like tv.....change the D**N channel...why is it ok if it's somebody elses kids fighting for your freedom anf bleeding out, ...just get over it happened and if it happens again is not an every day occurance like all you dummies driving around with your cellphone stuck to your ear...lets talk about that...keep the hunting success stories coming...I love it...Mark.
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